CoCo Flavoured Manji

I’ll be posting a much more indepth post about the thought processes and ideas and what was used to make Broken Kode Version 2.0 a reality and what still needs to be done. I guess this is like my ‘beta’ version. I’ve still got validation and clean-up code, but I really want to see it go live as I’ve been thinking about this redesign for about 1 month and I really couldn’t wait to get it up and out there.

BTW CoCo is my new site maskot.

Now I think some serious sleep is in order.


  1. wow.. very pink after the blues of the preview but still very, very nice. i like the mascot, too _

    1 ryoken
  2. Congrats, going to take it all in now ;)

    2 TINALS
  3. One thing I noticed right away though is that the Broken Code masthead’s font in unintelligible.

    3 TINALS
  4. Ha there’s a reason for that. 5 years ago the smashing pumkins released an internet album only. It was called Friends and Enemies of Machina. The way they got it out there, was through 10 vinyls which had that font you see above. It’s not supposed to be clear, but to put you at ease I am working on a replacement that’s part of my new font I’m creating but it took longer and I’m in a pumpkins phase again right now :).

    4 khaled
  5. What can I say? Neat as a pin! It’s sweet, even if I look fat in pink! ;)

    5 craig
  6. Very cool. And I like the header font , looks very Japenses-esque to me.

    Nice one!

    6 cjp
  7. I like it! CoCo and having him/her as your mascot is a cool idea.

    7 stefan
  8. Thanks guys I appreciate all the comments. Now to write that behemoth of a post explaining the design and the future ;)

    8 khaled