A place to talk about the Rin and Manji themes
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I was trying to add a [Unified] Feed Icon to my sidebar today (using Rin v1.1 under WP v1.5.2), and I just can't get it to align itself with the link text. As far as I can tell, the image aligns itself to the top of the link area and then adds at least two pixels below the image. Since the text is set to align to the bottom, this effectively pushes the text down by two pixels, thus causing the link text and image to be misaligned. If there is anyway to stop the image from adding the two pixels below itself and to force it to align to the bottom with the link text, or to just force it to be inline with the text in general, please let me know.
The following screenshots were taken using Firefox v1.5 with all "a" elements outlined. The 12x12 image that I was planning on using is in the screenshot on the left, and the screenshot on the right has a 16x16 image to show some exaggeration with the issue.
The follow is a code snippet of how I inserted the image:
<li><h2><?php _e('Subscribe'); ?></h2> <ul> <li><a href="<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>" title="Subscribe to MacManX.com">Entries (RSS) <img src="/blog/images/feedicon16.png" alt="Subscribe to MacManX.com" border="0" /></a></li> [...]
Again, if there is anyway to stop the image from adding the two pixels below itself and to force it to align to the bottom with the link text, or to just force it to be inline with the text in general, please let me know. Thanks in advance!
Are you trying to make these links look like buttons? It appears that you are, but I could be wrong. If you want buttons I could make some for you, no problems. I do graphics stuff, and these would be easy to make. Let me know if you would like me to do that for you, otherwise I'm not sure how to code that to look like you're wanting it to look. It just seems easier to go with buttons rather than to hardcode it like that.
That's ok, I could have done the button too. I just wanted the image to be part of the link, appear after the text, and be aligned with the text, which appears to be impossible. The code that I used is quite basic and it is in my original post. I decided to give up and place the image before the text. It's still not aligned, but it looks better for some reason.
Last edited by MacManX (26-12-2005 18:30:30)
Oh, okay. I see what you mean. Yeah, coding something like that is kind of impossible. Or, at least close to it. Well, at least you found a reasonable solution that works. So, that's a good thing. I can understand the dilema though. Maybe with WP 2.0 things will be easier to work with. Each version is more and more user friendly. This is by far the best blogging program I have ever used. Gonna suck if they ever start charging for it, like others have.
After some helpful evaluation, it turns out that the problem is my eyesight. As my friend Rick puts it, "The image is aligned with the text. It's right on the baseline where it should be. I think its curved corners and the descending parentheses are throwing you off."